HOLO - Lego Based Business Simulation

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In this simulation, learners are required to run a logistics company by building LEGO-based transporters and selling them to clients. Learners need to achieve their sales target as they are pitted against other teams.

Using a hands-on learning experience, participants have the ability to interact and learn in the process. In the process, participants learn about collaboration, business acumen and strategic thinking.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the fundamentals of strategic thinking and how it affects external business environments
2. Gain a foothold in converting strategy into execution
3. Practice key organizational skills to increase efficiency and engagement in the workplace

Content Delivery Method


HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

1.5 days, available in English

Target Audience

Junior level employees
Mid level employees

Key Skillset Addressed

Strategic management, Financial acumen, Production innovation and efficiency, Customer focus, Business value chain, Collaboration & building effective teams