Impact by ExperiencePoint™

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Make a real business impact with human-centered design. Impact by ExperiencePoint™ is a collaborative virtual workshop in which teams gain hands-on experience by completing an innovation sprint.
Learning Objectives

1. Learn how to interview customers and prioritize customer needs.
2. Apply the design-thinking method and develop a real solution with a cost-saving prototype.
3. Sustain new innovation skills in your daily work with a post-workshop toolkit.

Content Delivery Method

Virtual or Hybrid Classroom

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

10 hours, split across 2 or 4 days; available in English

Target Audience

Suitable for all levels of employees

Key Skillset Addressed

1. Learn how to interview customers and prioritize customer needs
2. Apply the design-thinking method and develop a real solution with a cost-saving prototype
3. Sustain new innovation skills in your daily work with a post-workshop toolkit