Sales Winning Edge

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In today’s highly competitive and challenging economic environment, the key to successful selling is about ability to build good relationships which create an edge that makes you more attractive to the customer and lead to long-term benefit to the customers and the organization – not simply completing a transaction.
You need an edge –-- a reason that makes you more attractive to the customer. Those who promote, sell and, deliver the value of the product, service or solution that customers buy, seems to know naturally what ticks (how to influence and persuade). 
People who sell themselves more effectively than others have equipped themselves with the art of selling and has applied a Mindset that generates positive selling attitudes.  
This 3 days workshop is interactive, fast-paced, fun, and full of tips & techniques that can be used immediately. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of NLP rapport strategies, interpersonal skills communication, and influencing skills.
Learning Objectives

1. Understand that buyers buy emotionally as well as logically.
2. Apply NLP sales techniques to build rapport and connect with buyers at a deeper and personal level.
3. Influence with integrity and successfully practice selling with NLP to individuals.
4. Recognize some of the thinking and language patterns that make each individual unique.
5. Identify each buyer's individual buying map.
6. Tailor the sales approach to the individual buyer's style and communicate in their language.
7. Understand and adopt the beliefs of sales excellence.
8. Use questions to further recognize the buyer's personal buying map.
9. Create a personal development and action plan that will be applied back in the workplace.

Content Delivery Method

Physical Classroom

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

3 Days; available in English

Target Audience

Suitable for employees of all levels

Key Skillset Addressed

NLP Rapport Strategies, Communication Skills, Influencing Skills, Sales Strategies