Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training

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The Six Sigma Yellow Belt training program enables participants to have an understanding on the fundamental principles of Six Sigma and the elements related to it. In this program, you will learn the relationship between Lean and Six Sigma, Basics of Six Sigma, the DMAIC Six Sigma problem solving methodology, the roles of each Six Sigma belt and the related stakeholder’s responsibility in the Six Sigma journey.

Upon completion of this program, participants can further elevate their Six Sigma knowledge by pursuing the Six Sigma Green Belt and Six Sigma Black Belt training and certification programs. This highly practical course involves participation through many exercises and learning using a hands-on problem-solving approach.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand Six Sigma and its foundation
2. Have an overview of the Six Sigma problem solving methodology
3. Able to identify improvement tools in Six Sigma
4. Learn the Six Sigma structure and key roles
5. Understand their role to support Six Sigma deployment

Content Delivery Method

Physical and Virtual Classroom

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

2 Days; Available in English and Bahasa Malaysia

Target Audience

Suitable for all levels of employees

Key Skillset Addressed

Problem Solving, Continuous Improvement