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Looking to enhance your management skills and boost productivity within your team? Look no further than our HRDC certified training program, Effective Middle Management. This dynamic program equips participants with practical strategies to improve human relations, motivate teams, and coach subordinates effectively. By mastering the art of time management and staying focused on priorities, middle managers can enhance efficiency and effectiveness in their roles.

Through a comprehensive curriculum covering managerial leadership, effective communication, and team-building techniques, participants will gain the skills needed to achieve better results through collaboration and influence. With pressure and challenges constantly looming, this program provides the tools needed to manage stress, cope with problems, and maximize time resources for optimal performance. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your management skills and drive success within your organization. Request a quote today to learn more about our Effective Middle Management training program.
Learning Objectives

1. Understand the role and responsibilities of middle managers: Participants will learn the key functions and duties of middle managers, including managing teams, setting goals, and communicating effectively with both upper management and front-line employees.

2. Develop effective leadership skills: This training program will focus on developing essential leadership skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and motivating teams. Participants will learn how to inspire and empower their team members to achieve organizational goals.

3. Enhance communication and interpersonal skills: Middle managers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between upper management and employees. Through this training, participants will learn how to communicate effectively, build strong relationships with their team members, and effectively manage conflicts in the workplace.

Content Delivery Method

Physical, Virtual

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

1 Day; English

Target Audience

Suitable for employees of all levels

Key Skillset Addressed

1. Communication
2. Decision-making
3. Time management