Handling Misconduct, Effective Investigation & Conducting a Proper Domestic Inquiry

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Looking to enhance your skills in handling misconduct and conducting proper domestic inquiries? Look no further than TRAINMODE SDN. BHD.'s comprehensive training program in Malaysia. Our program covers all aspects of effective investigation techniques and proper procedures to ensure a fair and thorough inquiry process.

With experienced trainers and practical case studies, participants will gain valuable insights into handling misconduct situations with confidence and professionalism. From gathering evidence to conducting interviews, our training program equips you with the necessary tools to navigate complex workplace issues and maintain a positive work environment. Request a quote today to learn more about how TRAINMODE SDN. BHD. can help you master the art of handling misconduct and conducting proper domestic inquiries.
Learning Objectives

1. Understand the importance of handling misconduct in the workplace: Participants will learn the negative impact misconduct can have on the organization, including decreased morale, productivity, and reputation. They will also understand the legal implications of not addressing misconduct in a timely and appropriate manner.

2. Develop skills in conducting effective investigations: Participants will learn how to conduct thorough and unbiased investigations into allegations of misconduct. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and documenting findings in a clear and objective manner. They will also learn how to maintain confidentiality throughout the investigation process.

3. Learn the steps involved in conducting a proper domestic inquiry: Participants will gain knowledge of the legal requirements and procedures involved in conducting a domestic inquiry. This includes understanding the rights of the accused, ensuring a fair and impartial hearing, and making a decision based on the evidence presented. Participants will also learn how to effectively communicate the outcome of the inquiry to all relevant parties.

Content Delivery Method

Physical, Hybrid

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

1 to 2 days, English

Target Audience

Suitable for all levels of employees

Key Skillset Addressed

1. Investigative techniques
2. Conflict resolution
3. Legal compliance