LeadPro SmartBiz - Business Acumen - Digital Simulation

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In this fully digital simulation, participants have the options for train on their business acumen skills. The simulation is a team-based simulation where teams outcompete each other in a highly competitive smartphone industry.
Participants have the opportunity to put their skills to the test with respect to finance, marketing, product development, pricing and to experience real time feedback and a personalised digitally generated debrief report.
A truly scalable option for organisation that are looking to impact anywhere from 1 - 1,000 employees.
Learning Objectives

1. Master the fundamentals of business acumen and financial decision making.
2. Get an hands on approach to product pricing, marketing, supply chain, product development and market competition.
3. Practice business acumen skills on a hands-on simulation with a personalised digital debrief report.

Content Delivery Method

Physical, Hybrid or Virtual

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

Half day to full day, available in English

Target Audience

Suitable for all levels of employees

Key Skillset Addressed

Strategic Thinking, Business Acumen, Analytical Thinking