Workplace English for Engineering and Technical Personnel

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Almost 80% of businesses include soft skills in the performance review of their , yet less than 60% provide any form of training. Businesses are talking the talk, but not walking the walk.

This is a very brief outline of a sample Business English course to give you some idea of what we can do for your company. We will work closely with you to discover what challenges your business is having with English communication and then design a course that is relevant to your company's training needs.

Also, this course will include comprehensive coverage of the proposed subject
areas in Business English needed day-to-day by employees. We employ tried and tested teaching methods.
Learning Objectives

1. All 4 skills (Speaking, listening, reading and writing) would be included
2. To learn techniques for emphasising message in both oral and written communication
3. Learning to deal with clients, customers and colleagues in English

Content Delivery Method

Physical Classroom

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

2 Days; available in English

Target Audience

Suitable for employees of all levels

Key Skillset Addressed

Business writing, communication